When David Jordan, an extraterrestrial human in appearance, agrees to help U.N. Secretary General Nicholas Straka resolve an escalating nuclear crisis, he also learns he must defuse a horrifying plot to exterminate humanity by a hostile race of beings who despise human culture. Somehow, he must thwart both crises before a worldwide intervention is launched by his superiors, destroying human innocence in the process. In Reason for Existence, David learns the origins of human conflict, the nature of secret societies, the true meaning of friendship, and the enduring qualities of love.
Reason for Existence is a science fiction thriller with metaphysical and philosophical themes. This is a novel that is both entertaining and educational and therefore makes for excellent discussion. A genre bender, Reason for Existence is for readers who like original works of fiction and who appreciate novels that extend beyond one category and challenge the imagination.
The Shattered Stars: Riding the Spear
Dreaming of Hope: A Star Marked Novella
Too Strange To Be the End of the World: A Short Story Collection (Shorts, Collected)
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