Escaping their dreadful pasts and the wickedness of their government, four eager youngsters find their separate ways out of Nigeria.
England, rich and vibrant, offers a great deal of promise and a completely different kind of life for Tasie, Sheni, Uche and Busayo. Their paths cross as they settle and graze on the appetizing expanse of greener pastures.
But just when they begin to fit into the social scene and meet the men and women who will spark up their lives, David Cameron announces an unfavourable immigration law!
What, now, is the way forward? A decision needs to be made, an urgent one. Will they obey the law? Will they not? The struggle begins!
Trick is the game to be played.
Sex is the tool for the game.
Taut with twists and turns, Red Passport is a story of abuse, betrayal and a struggle to outfox the authorities.
Sartoris and Subterfuges: Posthumous Poems
Last Night at the Nowhere Cliff: A Short Story Collection (Shorts, Collected)
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