
Free on 30th Jun 16 - 1st Jul 16
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BELIEVE ME IF I CAN DO IT THEN YOU CAN TOO! (Just 15 days- Absolutely Free)

Every blogger know the effort it requires to build audience for a new website. It may take months to achieve 10,000 mark if you are completely dependent upon SEO strategies.

Thank God! We have Reddit- The social networking site that is known for driving a ton of web traffic. Just Submit links and gain traffic, right? Well, No! it isn’t that easy as it looks. Moderator acts like a guard on patrolling that can crush if you try to spam their community. You will get permanently banned for promoting yourself no matter how good is your content. So, the question is then how?

And.. The answer is – Reddit Codebreaker : A rookie’s guide for driving 100000 free web traffic in just two weeks.

Based on my own experience, it is a short, to-the-point and very effective guide on how to drive flood of visitors to your website using reddit. Everything that you require in order to use reddit for promoting your website without getting banned is included in this e-book. The ebook follows a straightforward approach in teaching the given topics ;

o Using reddit as a social and viral marketing tool

o How to submit links on reddit?

o How to avoid shadowban and deal with moderators?

o Tactics that you’ll need in order to promote your site on reddit without getting banned

o Strategies to achieve a top position at the front page of reddit (In simple- Driving a massive hits to the site)

o How to modify you website in order to retain the visitors and function for a longer period?

Along the way, I will be telling my own story on how I gained 100,000+ visitors on my 15 days older website. And believe me if I can do it, then you can too. All it needs a little understanding of concept as how everything works, which is available in the book. I will also share some simple tricks that if one follow- will be able to stay for a longer period on reddit bringing hits for his/her website. Till date, I achieved great results using these techniques and I am 100% sure that these will work for you too. So, hop on and let the ride begins.

Free on 30th Jun 16 - 1st Jul 16
View on Amazon.co.uk


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