
Free on 1st - 2nd Oct 13
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Pages: 334

As a seasoned veteran of adversity (spousal abuse), I’m frightened for you. Do you realize what your odds are?

I’m also a little nervous–which happens with each new book–waiting to see if it finds its mark. This book is meant to take you to new places and to empower you with information you can apply and build on.

Let me warn you up front, this one is different. It’s going to unsettle you if
you’re in a relationship that’s difficult. It’s going to unnerve you if you don’t
understand that evil is real. It’s going to make you think about ordinary things in extraordinary ways that might be uncomfortable.

After reading it you aren’t going to be able to walk down the street without
looking at the people around you and wondering if under their normal exterior, they are “Other” or evil. That’s right–Evil.

As a woman who fell for a serial abuser, I have seen and experienced things I never expected. About midway through the journey, I realized it wasn’t just domestic violence, I realized it was Evil.

I’ve seen what Evil can do first hand. I’ve looked at it while it waved a butcher knife in my face. I’ve felt it sleeping on the other side of the bed. I’ve sat with Evil as it gloated after hurting one of my animals. I’ve watched it move through society undetected by wearing a mask of sanity that fools almost everyone. I’ve struggled to stand up to Evil when I had already lost almost everything to it.

Evil won some of its battles with me–especially the financial ones. As the war unfolded in a marriage, I found that I was surrounded by people who did not care and did not want to get involved; they just let me twist in the wind.

So, I now know that Evil exists–it’s a given in this world, whether you want to believe it or not. Evil is a prominent theme in my books because I want you to learn what it is so that you can avoid it and maybe even help turn the tables on it.

In this edition of RELATIONSHIP RED FLAGS, you’ll get a front row seat to
hundreds of real-life conversations and scenarios that show you how Evil
operates. There’s a reason people say “there’s no substitute for experience” and that’s why these things are in the book.

The world is full of people like you and me, who will look at this and get
involved, even if just intellectualy. The more of us who arm ourselves with
discernment and find the courage to stand up to Evil will help put an end to
abuse and neglect and leave the world a better place. Heroes are born everyday.

If you think you’ve got what it takes, look inside and buy it today.

As always, thanks for reading!

Free on 1st - 2nd Oct 13
View on Amazon.co.uk


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