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This book outlines the stories of four former Christians from fundamentalist backgrounds as they re-think Christianity and the Holy Bible. When Christianity is explored it is exposed as a myth. We can safely say that Christianity is in crises. With new intense interest in exposing religious myths we are seeing the story of Jesus unmasked, the Christian God delusion is being exposed for pagan Christianity it is. We are witnessing a mass exodus away from traditional Christianity and religion in general. Those the exit the prison of Christianity are often accused of never having been genuine Christians in the first place. This accusation collapses when the stories of this four individuals are explored.

This book will benefit anyone seeking to understand why anyone would leave Christianity and those on their own journey of questioning and enquiry.

Rethinking Christianity does not target the majority of Christians directly. The truth is a small number of Christian ‘Jihadist’ with false theories have hijacked Christianity. It only takes one popular fanciful fanatic to massively spread a false idea through mass Christian media. The blind often lead and teach the blinded. When someone attempts to address the error they are rejected because their views appear to be in the minority. The Christian Jihadists do a great job to make their views appear the generally accepted view. These Jihadists tend to harshly demonize and publicly ridicule those that oppose their particular view.

Followers of Christ have done tremendous good on the earth. Some of the most genuine individuals are followers of Christianity. Yet, religious Christianity is the greatest fraud the world has ever encountered. True Christianity is a force to be reckoned with. Although the media love to portray Christianity as a dying movement, it is in fact growing at an alarming rate. Indeed, Pentecostalism on its own is believed by some to be the fastest-growing faith in the world, if measured by conversions as opposed to births. Some of the most rapid growth is occurring where persecution is the most intense. For example, despite extreme persecution, there are reportedly as many as 28,000 new converts a day in communist China. Though Christianity has done a great deal of good on the earth, there are far too many of its spoke persons that seem to suffer from a common condition – verbal diarrhea.

Christianity often avoids healthy debates. Certain questions are not permitted to be asked, lest the sacred cows of Christianity are slaughtered. Certain facts are hidden, all in the name of ‘protecting’ the Body of Christ, especially new Christians. Well I have a news flash! This is the age of the internet. People have access to heaps of information and there are not much religious brains that can conjure up to dupe people any longer. The wall’s that once protect ‘little kingdoms’ are coming down. The religious towers that once shadowed the Christian landscape are diminishing in size. A new age is dawning. The end of an age is fast approaching.

This said, those that profess to be Christians need to seriously reconsider why they believe what they believe. Christianity needs to change or die. The Holy Bible itself is a new thought manual. It teaches new thought and self-discovery. Critical Bible study can prove to be liberating and enlightening. A new Bible commentary written by a critical thinker would be an enthralling read as is this book.

Free on 27th Dec 16
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