What is our resistance to change? It is our limiting beliefs held in the subconscious mind that sabotage what we want. We can not conquer new frontiers by interpreting facts and explaining reasons for unwanted behaviors and outcomes, but by finding the mechanism to change them. And that’s what Rewired is all about.
The secret weapon to changing patterns of thinking, habits, and even outcomes is accomplished by attacking the obstacle at the appropriate place: our limiting belief. By identifying the limiting belief as the root of resistance to change, we break free from static thinking and power up our performance, relationships and purpose. This opens the door to new frontiers and great gains.
I'm a Product Of My Environment: Navigating the Path to Equity and Justice
THE TINY HANDBOOK OF HAPPINESS: How Science can Help You Achieve More Joy and Fulfillment
Embracing Individuality: How Unique Strengths Shape Our Life's Journey
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