
Free on 11th - 13th Apr 15
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Ribbon of Love is a beautiful romantic story of colonial America woven within the framework of history. Because so much of the story is based on actual people and events from the Eastern Shore of Virginia, it is like the print version of a docudrama. An Appendix at the end of the book delineates the facts from fiction by chapter.

Reader Review:

After retiring as a college professor in 2010, I have become a serious genealogist and that makes early American history come alive for me. While Ribbon of Love is a novel, I found the history and descriptions to be on target and accurate.

Ribbon of Love was a wonderful love story of Henry and Mary living and struggling to succeed as one of the first families in the colony of Virginia in the 1600s. In addition to the love story, the descriptions of the clothing, home furnishings, personalities, family life, church and community are most intriguing. The exhilarating action and subplots keep the reader in constant anticipation. It is almost impossible to put the book down until completion.

Dr. Don P. Brandon,Retired Professor, Anderson University,

Anderson, Indiana

Ribbon of Love is the first historical fiction novel by author Donna R. Causey in her Tapestry of Love series about her ancestors.

Faced with possible torture for their religious beliefs, Henry and Mary Pattenden flee 17th century England, experience a perilous trip across the Atlantic only to arrive on the barbaric shores of pre-Revolutionary War America where they endure further hardships in the colonial and primitive days of America with Indian massacres, illness, death, loneliness, love and greed to practice their Christian faith in this historical fiction novel.

Coming from diverse cultural backgrounds and separated from Jamestown by the Chesapeake Bay, the settlers of ‘Ye Kingdom of Accawmacke’ utilized the distance to avoid laws and restrictions imputed on early colonists and created an almost utopia existence among the friendly Indians.

Actual court records dating back to the early1630’s provide historical fodder for the Pattendens’ personal story, and gives the reader an accurate yet fictionalized love story and view of what life may have been like in colonial America. Based on actual residents of the Eastern Shore of Virginia, Ribbon of Love reveals a glimpse of America’s future before the Revolutionary war and what the nation will become.

Review: Ribbon of Love was a wonderful love story of Henry and Mary living and struggling to succeed as one of the first families in the colony of Virginia in the 1600s. In addition to the love story, the descriptions of the clothing, home furnishings, personalities, family life, church and community are most intriguing. The exhilarating action and subplots keep the reader in constant anticipation. It is almost impossible to put the book down until completion.

Ribbon of Love is the first historical fiction novel by author Donna R. Causey in her Tapestry of Love series about her ancestors. Faith and Courage is the next in the series and FreeHearts is the third.

Free on 11th - 13th Apr 15
View on Amazon.co.uk


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