Author: Genre: Length: Novella

Free on 7th - 11th Oct 16
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Music in His Bones

Kay: A bad boy kind of guy – who could have become a rock star in his own right, but quit that career to become the producer his father and brothers needed him to be. He is quite happy as long as he does not allow himself to take a guitar into his hands, that is until his father issues the challenge to all three brothers to find the next big star and puts him right in Nell’s path. She has all that it takes to be the new emerging star for his company, and Kay finds he’ is already interested in the very talented young woman romantically.

A rich handsome producer with sky-high promises feels like trouble to Nell. Especially when she feels so drawn to him. Life’s lessons were taught in a hard school and Nell knows that Kay could change everything in her life, not just the music. A contest of wills and discovery is now on.

Music in His Soul

Nate is the one brother who has absolutely no talent in the music department and he is quite content with his life which is going according to plan – business school followed by a career at the family’s billion-dollar music business. He is in charge of legal affairs, finances and developing the company strategies. The one thing in his life that did not go as planned was his love life, as the bride ran away with a musician who was going to play at his own wedding. Nate is never looking for talent, moreover – he is never interested in it. Let his brothers deal with that aspect of the family business, he is safe in the world of numbers and paperwork.

There is no place for men in Anna’s disaster of a life – even for a handsome and meticulously organized man, who craves to bring order into that mess. Nate believes he can cope with a kid and a business that is seemingly on the verge of collapse. What he for sure will not handle is finding out his woman is also into music. He’d prefer to see a legion of men in Anne’s bedroom instead of that old acoustic guitar. Will he be selfish enough to break her dreams for the sake of his own personal happiness or will he find the courage to support her and maybe find that there is music in his soul?

Music in His Heart

What do you do when an attractive woman tries to pick you up at a bar? For Christian the answer is simple – take her to bed immediately or, if the bed is too far away, find a dark corner in the alley. Beth is tipsy but quite aware of her attraction to this stranger, and would be even terrifying would be to be reminded of her actions the next morning.

Neither of them cared to ask each other’s names until the next hangover morning when it turns out that they have unleashed a disaster upon themselves. Sam is an award-winning composer, who has been turning down Christian’s company’s deals for years, while for Christian this deal might mean serious promotion and finally praise from his strict father and two older brothers’ whose success have been overshadowing him his whole life. The problem is that Beth has not written a line since the goddamn award three years ago. She fears she is one of those stars that sparkles for but one moment and are never seen again. She cannot let anyone know about her inability to compose. Not even Christian?

Free on 7th - 11th Oct 16
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