
Free on 14th - 18th Feb 17
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Early 2003, tensions between the US and Iraq are rising; the talk of war is more and more common.
In a last-ditch effort, the State Department, under the direction of Assistant Director, Jim Peterson, implements some cultural and social programs, in an effort to win the hearts and minds of the Iraqi people, thereby easing the political tension.
One of these programs is a western-style school for girls and women that offer English, computer and business skills, as well as art and literature.
Jim asks a former State Department employee’s daughter, Reanna Malloy, an expert in Mideast language and culture, to head the school.
However, Jim has other reasons for choosing Reanna; she also happens to be a nationally ranked equestrian.
Uday Hussein, Saddam’s eldest son, is in charge of the royal stables. He is a renowned owner and breeder of some of the most valuable horses in the world. It is also believed, by US intelligence, that Uday is in charge of the WMDs (Weapons of Mass Destruction) and, in fact, many reports indicate that some are stored in the palace stables.
As a favor to Jim Peterson, Colin McLeod, former Navy SEAL, now reluctant CEO of his family’s oil business, agrees to one last government assignment: to protect Reanna Malloy and help her gain access to the royal stables, in order to see if it’s possible for WMDs to be hidden there.
Set against the backdrop of the months leading up to the Iraqi War and into the War, Reanna and Colin try, but fail to fight off their attraction to each other as it explodes into a beautiful and lusty love affair.
Together, they try their best to stave off a war and in the process, get caught up in the sanguinary politics between the US and Iraq, leaving them, like the countries, scarred and torn apart.
Will they be able to heal their wounds and find their way back into each other’s arms?

Although part of a series, this book is a standalone story.

Free on 14th - 18th Feb 17
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