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Free on 2nd Jun 17
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School can be Cool provides five short but inspirational stories from different students’ experiences. It shows the various challenges they face at school and how they overcome them. The main characters in the book are as follows:

•Rashida who has moved from Kenya to Manchester (UK) and is nervous of starting a new school in a different country;

•Jodie who wishes she could be like her best friend Gretchen as Gretchen is popular in school;

•Tom who always comes last in sports and wishes he could miss school on Tuesdays and Thursdays just so he can avoid doing sports;

•Milly, Peter and Leah are all very different from each other. They never talk to each other and do not even want to. They are teamed up by their Drama teacher Mrs. Clark to produce a play. How will they get along?; and

•Gemma who was led to believe that Friday the 13th is the day of bad luck; but Gemma’s luck proves different.

The author is originally from Kenya and moved to England (UK) when she was six years old. She grew up and studied in England where she qualified as a lawyer. The author states that, “school for me was a very memorable experience, fun but tough at times”. Her book aims at providing short but inspirational stories to help children enjoy their school experience.

Free on 2nd Jun 17
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