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As a Personal Trainer I have helped many people overcome injuries on their path to weight loss and living a healthier more for fulling life. I became quite good at accessing and rehabilitating the human body, but my confidence was destroyed when I met (for privacy purposes I’ve changed his name) Ian. Ian suffered from chronic low back pain which spread over his hip and down his leg. He told me how he had herniated/blown two discs in his back courtesy of a poorly performed deadlift. The heart braking part about Ian’s case was this had happened two years ago and after strenuous physio sessions little had improved. Ian explained how he had lost his job, most of his friends as he was house bound a lot of the time and his relationship with the women he intended to marry was under immense pressure and he feared it was in jeopardy. I had never seen a back injury this severe before, but Ian was a warrior who refused to give in even after his doctors had. I accepted him as a client and we both embarked on a back pain fighting journey that lead us down a path of endless nights reading research papers, health journals and trialing hundreds of different exercises theory’s. The answers we found were mind boggling and what I learnt not only changed the way I look at the low back pain problem but how I approach all health & fitness from sports performance to the obesity epidemic. The number one method we used to help Ian get his life back is not what you’d expect! Keep reading to find out more.
In this book, you will learn:
oThe most effective forms of rest and why this could be the most IMPORTANT remedy for low back pain.
oThe four biggest tips to getting a good night’s rest while suffering with back pain.
oSpecific low impact exercises targeted at alleviating low back pain and enhancing your endorphin levels in as little as 30 days
oHow to leverage on yoga to help you fight low back pain
oAnd much, much more!

Take Action by taking advantage of the limited time offer of 99 cents to kick back pain to the curb once and for all!

Free on 16th - 20th Apr 18
View on Amazon.co.uk


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