A lane in Sussex and a chance meeting involving a girl from south London and a German prisoner of war. So begins the relationship between Mary Shaw from Peckham and Paul Weber from Nuremburg, a relationship that will impact on all those around them.
‘If you can do any better, write a book yourself.’ Such was the challenge laid down by the author’s late wife after he had criticised a TV series that she was watching. ‘Seasons of Love’ is the result.
After a lifetime in the construction industry this is Neil Topping’s first novel. It was written after detailed research and the enthusiastic support from many diverse organisations. The lives of the central characters and those close to them is described in detail and how they meet the challenge of personal, national and international events.
The first volume, ’Spring’ covers the period between 1944 and 1952. The three remaining volumes will be published in the next twelve months and span the years between the fifties and the millennium.
So now begin the journey with Mary and Paul……
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