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Free on 15th - 19th Jan 17
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Have you ever wondered what your life would look like if it was truly great? If you went for your biggest dreams and goals, believed in yourself, and spent every day pursuing what you want most in life? What if you applied the best tools and strategies of the happiest and most successful people on earth daily? How great would your life be?

I have asked myself these questions ever since growing up, and so I began to study the greatest people on earth. I wanted to know why Michael Jordan was able to dominate basketball while Michael Phelps conquered swimming, why Steve Jobs and Thomas Edison could change the world with their inventions, and why Tony Robbins was able to transform millions of people and inspire them to live better lives.

Essentially, I wanted to know what the greats did to succeed and how I could use those lessons to make my own life better. I didn´t care about explanations such as talent or circumstances, because you cannot control those things. Obviously, a Michael Phelps is extremely talented, more so than nearly anyone else on this planet. But that alone didn´t make him into the champion he is today. Only the countless hours he spent every day pursuing his goal, the miles he swam, and the unbelievable pain he endured on the way made him great. And that can be done by anyone.

When I study the greats, I always look for the specific steps that anyone could implement to be successful. Fancy explanations about talent don´t help anyone, only specific action steps do. Most of us will never lift weights like Arnold Schwarzenegger used to, but that doesn´t stop us from applying the same principles to our own training to maximize our potential. We may never reach the mental power of Tony Robbins or Deepak Chopra, but by studying what they are doing every day, we can learn to become better ourselves. And that´s what I did.

This book contains the most valuable tools and strategies I have learned from the greats as well as from discussions with my own mentors, all tried and tested in my own life.
You will learn to:

oSet and achieve any goal you have
oMaster your mindset and control your thoughts
oDevelop empowering beliefs
oSkyrocket your motivation when you feel like giving up
oStart your mornings like the most successful people on this planet
oTake massive action towards your goals
oAnd MUCH more!

Creating a new life starts with making new decisions. Your life is entirely in your hands, so why not go for great? Why not live up to your full potential? Great results don´t come from waiting, they come from doing! Are you ready to learn from the best and live the life of your dreams?

Free on 15th - 19th Jan 17
View on Amazon.co.uk


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