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In the name of God: prophets were transformed into politicians, only some are God’s children, millions were and are murdered, and meaningless rituals were and are synthetically born. In the name of God: The one world was divided into multiple, people are pitted against people, segments of the earth are holier than the whole, and buildings have more value than the Master. Or perhaps, I’m mistaken, and God truly did inspire the many divisions between religions and the many denominations within. Maybe, I’m mistaken, and God truly did inspire evil things like the crusades, the spiritual decimation of the First Nations, the Spanish Inquisitions, Euro-centric motivations, the attack on the Americans, slavery, doomsday predictions, and forceful conversions. Religion has become a veil and the truth of the One Lord is concealed. The wise ones have walked away from religion, but sadly, because of their distrust in the illusion, they also disbelieve in the existence of that which was in the beginning and that which will be in the end.