Interested in finding out what methods would actually work with your kids? Would like to have a sneak peek into lives of other families to know which type of parenting methods work out and give good results? Buy now.
A short read in simple language to answer all your queries. An eBook full of real life experiences and stories to benefit you and your kids for a better parent-child relationship.
How many of us read terms and conditions before signing up for any websites? Well, I don’t. To many of us, the same thing applies to parenting also. We become parents before we are ready for it and for blessed few after many preparations still it remains a puzzle. Come take the journey with me of real life experiences and amazing stories.
Even if we think we are ready, again it doesn’t seem to be enough! Are you anxious about your parenting methods? Would like to know other parents methods and results? You have come to the right place. This book gives you real life examples of different parents, their experiences, their techniques, lessons and stories to give you an entertaining and informative reading experience.
Find out the secrets of smart parents to grow your children with excellent learning and social skills, creative abilities and teach your children complicated life lessons in a simple and fun way. Learn the parenting skills needed to grow with your smarter child.
Watching children grow is a wonderful feeling. We find a few children smart, intelligent, disciplined and few mischievous, ill-mannered, with behavioral problems too. As a parent, we all want our children to have better, positive qualities in them? Then why is the difference in attitudes of kids? Why are few kids smarter than others? What smart parents do in raising their smarter children? What is their secret? The search led to the revelation of many secrets. The parent in me wanted to share those few, joyful, valuable secrets with you to improve the parenting ways. Hope you enjoy reading the secrets. The secrets are just around you, waiting for you to be recognized and revealed.
Which type of parent would be better now? There are so many doubts. This book is written as an answer to this search. It is not the experience of few people, but thousands of parents, teachers, counselors their experiences, and their own little secrets.
This book would be a guide for the practical day to day tips to help you and your child grow better.
o Gives you easy techniques in developing your child’s learning, creative and social abilities.
o Practiced and proven tips which will definitely work with your kids.
o If you are interested in learning different techniques to develop your child in all areas this book is a must buy for you.
o Answers most of the questions you had in your mind regarding parenting.
o Useful tactics for children raised by all types of parents including single parents, couples, young parents.
o Simple language to help all the parents with different backgrounds.
o Realize and rectify the minor mistakes we do unknowingly in the parenting ways.
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