Seeing the hectic schedule & reasonable demand of achieving more in less time, elements of entrepreneurial success is encapsulated in a book which will take less time to read. The book contains the practical & innovative set of tools. The specially designed leadership & training program will speed up the process of business success for budding & veteran entrepreneurs. You just need to read it with clean slated mind & visualize the success which no doubt you deserve! The book is about discovering “The never lost but hidden” in you. The hidden which is on being discovered not only will benefit you totally but will also affect your circumference effortlessly in a positive manner. What is that which differentiates between a leader & a successful leader who had learned to retain his success? You will be introduced to different tools to tackle the challenges which are usually faced in leadership like Conquering New Territory in Business, Team Building & Business Partnerships and Assertive & Commanding Presence. The book goes on unleashing the ways in developing necessary configuration for business success.
In The Valley of Mystic Gods - Book One - A Chronical of Power
I'm a Product Of My Environment: Navigating the Path to Equity and Justice
Embracing Individuality: How Unique Strengths Shape Our Life's Journey
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