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The State Of Mine

A question that has always been exciting to me, and I’m sure to you too, is how two individuals in the same environment, under the same conditions, with the same start, in equal competition can have two different results – one being successful and happy and the other being miserable. One to enjoy a healthy body, a wonderful relationship with the loved one, a house, a dream car, time for himself and his family, to go around the world and enjoy friends … And the other complaining about money is never enough, has no relationships, lives in a small room and barely pays the rent and the bills.

How are you cultivating your mind, what are you focusing your thoughts on, how insistent and consistent are you in what you do, do you have a clear vision and goal, do you have a plan to get to it, and of course are you doing more than enough to achieve the desired results?

Why reading this book?

We will take a walk on the road to happiness and success.
Step by step we will tune our mind and body so that they can serve us in achieving our goals.
We will leave the comfort zone.
We will confront our ego and crush it to get to know ourselves and our unlimited possibilities.
Much, Much More!

Condition Your Mind And Body To Health, Success And Happiness!

Whatever you are aiming for, whatever you dream of or pursue, it all starts with you. Your inner attitude, your focus and energy, your motivation, your excitement and asking the right questions. Because not asking the right questions eventually leads you to concentrating on the wrong and insignificant things, running into the flow of everyday life and doing things you MUST do, not things you WANT to do. I think this is NOT the right strategy for a meaningful life.

It is said that each person can control exactly 40% of their happiness, but scientists have determined that the level of happiness is the result of complex interaction of genes, behaviour and life circumstances. While every person has a genetic point of happiness (as for weight), much of how we feel is under our control, which means that the way we spend our time and the thoughts we allow to go through our mind can really affect mood, happiness and long-term success.

Download Your Copy Today!

Free on 11th - 15th Aug 17
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