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Free on 3rd - 7th Oct 14
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Have you ever wondered how it feels to be a billionaire? Can you imagine what that feeling is like?

In this book we aren’t talking about being a millionaire, but being a billionaire. Why want less if you can achieve more?

Generally, we were all born with the same prerequisites for success. Some really rare and unique people (even less than 3%) develop their full potential and fulfill the biggest success. The rest of us, 97%, don’t achieve anything worth mentioning. Some can hardly survive until their next salary, some have big debts and the rest are satisfied having enough money to pay bills, buy food and sometimes afford new clothes or something they like. And all that, of course, within the limits of their not too big budgets.

Are you already sick of depriving yourselves of various joys of life? You see luxurious cars everyday in the street, but you don’t have money to buy them. You would probably like to visit some of many luxurious islands and enjoy the sunset, sand and lovely beaches. You’re dreaming of fully enjoying your life this way, but there is one thing that prevents you from it over and over again. You guessed it – it’s money. That is, lack of it.

Now, stop for a moment and ask yourself what your life would be like if you didn’t have financial limits. Would you buy a Ferrari, or maybe a Lamborghini? Would you travel to Thailand, Maldives, or maybe Seychelles? Would you buy a big house in your favorite city or in your favorite part of that city? Would you create the life you have always dreamt of for you and your family?

I guess that the answer to many of these questions, if not to all of them is “yes”. If that’s the case, then what prevents us from doing our best (and more than that) to reach the success after which money wouldn’t be an issue any more? Instead of worrying about money, the only “problem” would be which pleasures to plunge into and whether to wake up in Paris or maybe in Hawaii the next day.

Free on 3rd - 7th Oct 14
View on Amazon.co.uk


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