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Serotonin: What It Is, What It Does And How It Is Affecting Your Life

Are you ready to learn more about Serotonin?!

Are you bothered by anxiety, panic and have trouble concentrating when given too much information? Are the doctors simply handing you one prescription after another and while you battle their side effects, none of them seem to take care of the problem? Would you like, just this once, to understand what could be going on in your body instead of simply swallowing the pills and having your hand patted by the doctor?

When we commonly think about being in a bad or good mood, we tend to think it’s because the people or events in our life are impacting us. In fact, we generally don’t take personal responsibility for our moods at all; it’s human nature to look for someone or something else to blame. It may come as a surprise that we can be totally responsible for our own mood, and that it’s entirely possible that it’s due to an element of our own human nature.

It’s called serotonin, and it’s one of the chemicals the brain uses to help and adjust us to the world that is ongoing around us. Serotonin may be the key that unlocks that knowledge for you. This book explains what it is, what it does and how it works with other chemicals and their balances in your body. This just might be the “aha” moment that changes your health patterns for the rest of your life. Learn more about Serotonin today and starting taking control of you again!

Read on your PC, Mac, smart phone, tablet or Kindle device.

Find Out What You Will Learn…

What is Serotonin and Why Should I Care? Let’s Get More SpecificSerotonin, the Internal Gas PedalSerotonin, Is There More To The Story?So, Why Try It?Much, much more!

Download your copy today!

Don’t waste another minute; get your copy of this informative book now!

Tags: Serotonin, anxiety, panic, concentration, chemical changes, health, moods

Free on 26th - 30th May 15
View on Amazon.co.uk


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