It was supposed to be just another day at work for a local newspaper reporter, Stella Holt. She had always loved her job, and believed she was good at it. Until one day when she was sent to interview the author of a worldwide bestseller who had made so many women fall in love with him.
James Collins is not just a word-painter. His every work is a masterpiece, a perfect blend of mystery and mind-blowing romance. Only in his own life, there is no place for romance. He knows everything about women, starting from what they like most, and to the ways to seduce them with only a glance. But there’s a secret that has been aggrieving him for years, a secret that has locked his heart forever…
“I thought I would never fall in love with you, Stella. And I didn’t… I drowned in you…”
Wedding Belle Blues (Weddings by C & C Book 2)
The Blighter and the Bluestocking: A Historical Romance Novelette (The Ashbourne Legacy Book 1)
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