Abigail Fairchild, a high school senior in a small Alabama town, inhabits a world shielded by her all-white school and her middle-class, conservative family, even during the turbulence of 1964. Yet, on the same day she finds the body of a murdered girl, she’s confronted with the stark reality that the struggle against prejudice is a collective concern, transcending boundaries.
Abi and Becca make the chilling discovery when they come across a lifeless body mere moments before a deadly tornado traps them alongside the grim discovery. Struggling to find an escape route, their journey takes a harrowing turn. They stumble into an underground sanctuary belonging to a clandestine society and find themselves ensnared in a worse scenario.
Bundle 1 - Twice the Fun: Kitchen Addiction! + Christmas Bizarre: 2 Mina Kitchen Novels (plus free r...
Pebble in the Dark
Martha's Cove
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