Author: Genre: Length: Novelette

Free on 22nd - 26th Feb 16
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What exactly does it mean to be happy? Happiness is something that is always around us, but we never question what it really is. In this book, I go on a journey to show what simply happiness is. Maybe your idea of happiness that you have stuck with for so long isn’t actually happiness at its maximum.

In this book I will go through 20 easy steps to make your life happier. I have often questioned what really happiness is. We think of it as such a broad thing, like time. The truth is nobody knows what time really is, but thankfully we know what happiness is. We never get taught at school what happiness really is, so I went and investigate based on my life and several others, what happiness is really is. I asked the one simple question to formulate this book.

“What simply is happiness?”

The first 18 chapters I will go about to explain how to have a happier life in easy ways, and then I`ll explain what happiness really is to us, from a spiritual, and phycological angles, and spectate what they have to show us. I find out what simply happiness is, throughout writing this book. Now it`s your turn to embark on the journey to how to become a happier person, and understand true happiness in life.

Free on 22nd - 26th Feb 16
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