
Free on 14th - 18th Dec 17
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“It’s A Little Like Romeo and Juliet in Animation” — David Ward, Academy Award winner writer of “The Sting” and “Sleepless in Seattle”As featured on THE NEW YORK TIMES, Book Review  Animosity was set from humans towards mosquitoes since the human presence on Earth. On the other hand, mosquitoes were doing their part for Mother Nature and humans, helping recycle nutrients back into the ecosystem in a caring and loving way. The mosquitoes felt confused and disappointed, After all, they were on this Earth before humans. They didn’t understand why there couldn’t be such a thing as love between them two. Until one special mosquito named Skeeter was born, who was able to understand mosquitoes and humans because she was both. Skeeter was not only able to understand and care for humans but also fell in love with a human named Martin. Loathe and wrath from both worlds was brought upon her, but with Skeeter’s courage and stubbornness and the determination of her dear friend, the mosquito village doctor, Geeze, they ended hatred that had lasted since the Jurassic period, placing love in the hearts of both worlds, especially in the hearts of Skeeter and Martin. They loved each other and lived happily ever after.

Free on 14th - 18th Dec 17
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