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Free on 24th - 28th Feb 18
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If you want to understand the cause of sleep paralysis and what you can do to manage it, then this book is for you!

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Sleep paralysis is a relatively new term used to describe the situation where a person is suddenly unable to move or speak as they’re about to drift off to sleep, or as they’re in the process of waking up. Before science was able to explain this condition, people believed a supernatural force was behind sleep paralysis – along with causing bad dreams and nightmares. For example, it was often explained away by witches and demons supposedly sitting on a sleeping person’s chest, preventing them from moving or reacting even when awake. Now, we know that’s not true, although it may still feel scary to be so helpless in this moment, your heart beating fast, you’re unable to move or speak, and you don’t really know what’s going on. If this has ever happened to you, or happens to you regularly (and you don’t want to subscribe to the ridiculous “demon sitting on your chest” theory), then this book is for you. In this book, you’ll learn about the specific causes of sleep paralysis, and what you can do to manage an episode while staying calm. Furthermore, we’ll also cover various preventive measures to avoid future recurrences. So if you are looking forward to sleeping soundly again, and not being frightened by sleep paralysis, then let’s get started!

Here Is A Preview Of What You’ll Learn…

Facts and Myths Surrounding Sleep ParalysisThe Causes and Common SymptomsHow to Manage a Sleep Paralysis Episode without PanickingSteps to Prevent Future EpisodesUsing Sleep Paralysis to Your AdvantageMuch, much more!Download your copy today!

Free on 24th - 28th Feb 18
View on Amazon.co.uk


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