
Free on 7th - 8th Mar 15
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My friend was like, “yeah, right!” when I told him I was going to have coffee with his crush — but when I did!

It was simple for me, really. How?

I had over 500 pre-thought openers and replies on the top of my mind. I can approach any girl I want to. I can talk about anything with ease.

Now you can too.

Get this and learn:

• 7 things you should ‘pretend’ to easily get you into the Smooth Talker’s mindset.

• 10 steps to get a charismatic presence overnight and make your words like 10x more effective!

• 500+ simple line-for-line conversation templates that kick-start great chats. Fun chats. Chats women wish all men could have with them! Conversations that get her more invested in you and keep her talking (just sit back and connect!)

• You could just say “Hi”, but that can get boring. Every location has its own unique opener. One for the mall (#92). One for college (#77). One for a store (#94). One for a cafe (#6). One for a concert (#70). One for a party (#64). One for many more!

• Every question/insult/situation also has it’s own unique reply. If she says, “I have a boyfriend”, there’s a reply for that (#115). If she says something stupid, there’s one for that as well (#257). If she brags about something she did/has, it’s there (#270). There are tons more like these.

• The best response to a flake.

• The best replies you can use against a variety of insults she throws your way.

• The best comments that use the Push/Pull technique to tease her and keep her interested.

• The best lines to reply to her everyday comments.

• The best ways to answer her basic questions.

• How to give a girl that same feeling of “He just knows what to say” that she gets from the smoothest talkers she’s ever spoken to… without reading or watching millions of other pick-up books or videos.

• This is the ONLY book that’s 98% examples and 2% theory. I learned best by example. You will too. I cut through BS like “be funny/be yourself” and get right to the point. If you want theory, then I suggest reading another book. You can come back to this later!

• This is NOT a definite list. You obviously need to include your own stories and mix your own observations in to these conversations. These examples are for the most common situations and they’ll help you form your own openers/replies if you ever get tongue-tied.

• You won’t need to worry about approaching that red-head neighbor next-door, that brunette on her Mac at Starbucks, that tanned blonde walking towards you at the mall, that extroverted girl dancing with her friends or even that cutie who’s sitting alone at your local park. Imagine having the power to effortlessly talk to any one of these girls.

• Every example is carefully constructed. ‘Insecurity + neediness’-free!

• A girl can judge whether you’re in her league/above-average within the first few minutes. So get a huge head start against your friends by starting off well!

• Master even just 20 of these and that’s 20 situations you can comfortably talk in for the rest of your life. Be ahead of your friends.

• Exactly how to talk to girls and not be just another pushover.

• Once you internalize these, ideas will come like water busting out of a pipe. You’ll notice yourself making small jokes of your own. You’ll notice yourself asking better questions. You’ll notice yourself getting more smiles from girls.

• You can get her from messing with your head to wanting to impress you by just a simple change in wording. You’ll learn how to word your sentences strategically.

• Girls absolutely love guys who can effortlessly make her laugh. Most of these lines are finely tuned to squeeze a laugh out of her.

• After you successfully apply these, you’ll be thought of as the biggest challenge she’s ever met.

You don’t need a lot of money, Brad Pitt looks or a bunch of skills to get her interested. Master the art of Smooth Talking and not only women, but also men will be charmed by your presence. I promise.

Free on 7th - 8th Mar 15
View on Amazon.co.uk


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