An intriguing tale of suspense and adventure unfolds in this entertaining tale of a promising young cosmetic surgeon and his bride who stumble onto a stolen treasure while on their honeymoon trip to Italy. Danger erupts when a morose Mafia chieftain offers Doctor Mark Gundersen a terrible choice. Operate successfully on his disfigured daughter and keep the treasure—-or face a slow lingering death. Set in the beautiful ski hills of Cortina, Italy and the mysterious islands of Venice, Snowfall in Venice delivers plenty of twists and turns before arriving at a conclusion that will keep reader’s guessing to the very end. Perfect fodder for time compressed readers.
The Avignon Tablet: An Edwardian Mystery (Montclaire Weekend Mysteries Book 1)
Artistic License to Kill (A Fine Art Mystery Book 1)
Catford Dogs: Conspiracy and murder throw PI Miles Askew into the jaws of South London gangland.
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