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Start Your Journey To Happier Life Without Social Anxiety
Afraid. Awkward. Shy. Lonely. Isolated. Inhibited. Frustrated. Nervous. Unfulfilled. Stifled.
These are words that go hand in hand with Social Anxiety Disorder, but these words need not to define you.
Life is too short to live in fear. If you feel that social anxiety is holding you back, then this book is exactly what you will need.
This comprehensive and passionate step-by-step guide combines proven advice and techniques with practical recovery tasks, factual information, personal accounts and ultimately, enables readers to regain control of their lives.
The opening chapters are dedicated to defining and discussing exactly what social anxiety is, in terms of its causes, symptoms and statistics. This serves to remove the mystery and power from the disorder, and to help you reach an understanding that will serve as a solid foundation for a long lasting recovery.
Following this, the journey to overcoming social anxiety itself is laid out in easy to follow, workable steps that get phenomenal results.
What You Will Learn:
Admitting, Accepting, Committing: Admitting that you suffer from social anxiety and need to change if you want to live a more fulfilled life, accepting yourself as you are and forgiving yourself, committing to following this guide.30 Day Rejection Therapy Challenge: A proven method for helping you to meet and master your fears.The 5 Pillars of Treatment: The core techniques that will help you to deal with anxiety, control your self-consciousness and challenge your negative thoughts.System of Goals: Setting and planning achievable short and long term goals and then achieving them!
On top of this, there are inspirational and brave personal accounts included throughout. Not only do these highlight the fact that you are not alone in feeling alone, they are proof that by following this guide people have conquered Social Anxiety Disorder and redirected their lives, and that You Can Too!