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Social Media Holocaust brings you to the precipice and keeps you there, contemplating  whether or not you have the courage to log in again!  A gritty technothriller, engineered by Brian Krogstad and Damien Darby, it makes you think twice about using the net.  Billions of people access social media sites across the digital sphere every day, and yet they stayed fairly harmless; until now. What if these pixilated parts of our lives weren’t risk-free anymore, but matters of life and death? What if the secret unprecedented threat they represent simply went largely unnoticed?
Murder, horror, tyranny, and marshal law… What evil lurks behind the likes, tags, shares, and the mask?  Killers begin to come after us at random from Facebook, and before you know it, our cultures are unraveling. For no apparent reason at all, you receive a friend request from a mysterious masked stranger. Do you accept it, or ignore and deny it? You’d better think hard because in this story, the consequences for you and your friends list can be grisly. Advanced readers are already likening this dark fantasy to the heavy hitters in the genre, dripping with creepy paranoid overtones that thrill and terrify.
Explore a scenario where Social Media becomes a vehicle for apocalyptic scenarios, globalized murder, and the potential demise of civil society. Social Media Holocaust is the follow-up to Krogstad’s stunning first novel Dark  Application: ONE (which debuted with comparisons to Michael Crichton, Lincoln and Child, and Robert Ludlum); is certain to please the most discerning technothriller fan. The latest of Damien’s ventures into the realm of ebooks, this work definitely shows he’s growing as an author by leaps and bounds, stretching into more genres than even he expected when his journey began.

Free on 24th Dec 17
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