
Free on 28th May 17 - 1st Jun 17
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This book has lots of actionable information that will help you to use social media to make lots of money for your business.
The changes in mobile and web technologies have led to an accelerated rate of information development and relationship sharing. As it now stands people are using social media technology to shape world culture and events. Social media is so popular that 78% of the US population was using social media in 2016 with the number rising steadily (estimated to be at 81% in 2017). To put this into perspective, 78% of the US population is 207 million. To add on, the world over, over 2.34 billion people use social media! These numbers are truly huge.
And from a business perspective, I want you to think of a market that has 2.34 billion potential customers. Even if not everyone would want what you are selling, even a tiny portion of them, 1% for instance, is still a huge population, which qualifies as your target market!
Would you want a piece of the huge market that the social media presents to make money, whether as an individual or as a business?
Well, if that’s what you want, this book has a lot of actionable information that you can follow to make massive amounts of money off the huge market that is on social media. More precisely, we will discuss the meaning of the word social media (it is a lot more than just Facebook, Twitter and other social networks) along with actionable information on how to make massive amounts of money through social media.

Take Action and Buy this Kindle Book for a Better Financial Life.

Free on 28th May 17 - 1st Jun 17
View on Amazon.co.uk


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