
Free on 9th - 10th Oct 13
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Pages: 43

Once Upon A Time…

On a dark and lonely road, Lady Rhiad of the Ryding Hoode’s met a Wolfe on the way to her grandmother’s house. But little did Rhiad or the Wolfe know that their meeting was a scheme put into motion by her grandmother, for the countess had laid a trap for both lord Wolfe and her grand-daughter, weaving a tale all her own until both the Wolfe and Rhiad were firmly in her clutches at last, helpless to escape.

Rhiad did not remain unscathed as her grandmother’s brilliant plan was her betrothal to said Wolfe, Damien by name. Though she knew her grandmother’s intentions were good, she could not help but feel betrayed. After all, what sort of grandmother offers her own grand-daughter up to be made a meal of by a hungry predator – even if said predator was completely human and fed solely on the virtue of innocents?

Still, Rhiad cannot deny being tempted to bait the delightfully cunning Lord Wolfe. His every move tempts her, every word makes her yearn. Would it truly be so bad to surrender herself, body and soul, to the heat in his gaze, the pleasure of his bite?

Does the tale of Rhiad Hoode and Damien Wolfe end in fiery passion or perhaps there is something else? Maybe something in red?

This is a novelette of 11,000 words – a sweet short story to enjoy during a cozy afternoon.

Free on 9th - 10th Oct 13
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