For many years I struggled to find real, lasting joy. Whenever I achieved a goal that I believed would bring me happiness I would find that the happiness I sought had moved somewhere else: to the next job, the next college degree, the next completed project, the next success. Never the current one. It was a discouraging way to live, and my dissatisfaction fueled a desire for change. Through books, mentors, good friends and spiritual guidance I learned how to transform my beliefs and thoughts and reshape the emotions and actions that determine my results and create the reality in which I live. I’ve experienced greater peace, fulfillment and success as I’ve worked to internalize these life-giving truths. I am excited to share them with you, and I hope they will bless your life as they’ve blessed mine.
Free on 30th Mar 24 - 3rd Apr 24
Gifts in Jars: Quick and Easy Edible Recipes
Ruth Handler: A Look Into the Creator of Me!
I'm No Superman! Antiheroes in Popular Culture: Exploring TV Characters (Volume 1)
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