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Free on 22nd - 26th Jan 18
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Are you trying to grow spiritually but don’t know how to get started?

Have you read some books on spiritual awakening, but still remain really confused about how to get started?

Are you an old hand who knows a lot about spiritual growth but you’re looking for a good read or a new angle on things?

Are you curious about spirituality but don’t want to commit, you just want to gain some insights?

In a nutshell spiritual awakening requires certain exercises, but it lost requires certain approaches. This book focuses upon the approach which will broaden your mind and connect you to your feelings. It’s also written with a good bit of real life experience at hand. I know there are lots of generic spirituality books on the market, well this isn’t one of them. I have been interested in the subject since the 1980’s and actively studying mysticism since the early 1990’s; I’m not saying that I am qualified rather I’m just saying that I am experienced and to be honest with you for the first ten or fifteen years, I was without any kind of a compass and just flying by the seat of my pants. I hope that this book will reduce the years of wasted efforts for you!

It’s not possible to be completely free of wasted efforts, as wasted efforts are also part of our journey and they are necessary for growth. But do you need to waste one year or ten?

Sadly spirituality is such a vague topic, that most aspirants waste a lot of time and also often end up following the wrong path in many cases!

Finally this book is not the last word on spirituality, actually it’s the first word really, as this book is designed to get the beginners up and running regarding the mind-set required for spiritual growth and for the more experienced person it’s there to add in some inspiration. Also there is an underlining discussion regarding religion, new age thinking and spirituality and this is largely because I spend about ten years of my life trying to get my head around these opposing viewpoints and I am still working to refine my position on these complex aspects of faith, belief and experience! Hopefully you enjoy this dialogue as the aim is not to be definitive, but rather the aim is to challenge the social norms and challenge the reader to make use of their religious background/world view in a more dynamic way, which in turn will help them in their spiritual awakening process!

Free on 22nd - 26th Jan 18
View on Amazon.co.uk


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