
Free on 5th - 9th Apr 17
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An Award Winning Novelist Presents Star Guild, an Action Packed Science Fiction
They’ve lived in orbit around planet Lumus for centuries and, for all they know, no one else exists but them.

However, they don’t know how their race got here. No history book has an answer and no historian has the guts to find out. It’s as if the history of their race, the human race, originated in orbit around this planet. Any knowledge of their distant past has either been erased or their Prime Director is correct–they were birthed here.
 Most don’t question it. Some do. Regardless, life is undisturbed. All they know is peace. There is no torment, no struggle and no war. The starships and starfighters that make up their military — Star Guild — are for show, unneeded, and manufactured only to help with tech research. They know of no enemy, no threat, no carnage, and because of this… …they aren’t prepared for what’s coming. Star Guild consists of episodes, much like shows on television. Chapters do not reside here. Each episode is written in novelette form and well worth the read.
Star Guild is action packed and riveting, and with every heart pumping page you’ll be on the edge of your seat, wanting to read what happens next. You’ll be carried along, feeling as if you are part of the journey, playing a role in the adventure, and falling in love with the characters as you progress. When an episode finishes, you’ll find yourself eagerly awaiting the next.
Scroll up and grab a copy today!

Free on 5th - 9th Apr 17
View on Amazon.co.uk


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