
Free on 24th - 28th Apr 17
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Economic times are tough, more and more of us are finding ourselves searching for additional money within our lifestyles or branching out onto new directions to find new employment or even a job to survive the tough times. Freelancing presents an opportunity for many individuals allowing them to moonlight, earning some extra cash, start a business from home or even work location independent across the globe. Freelance allows you the opportunity to be creative and free from the 9-5 grind if you wish. Beginning a freelancing career can be both rewarding and exciting and this book will show you exactly how you can get started.

The book isn’t intended to be a social media success blueprint or the golden ticket to answer to all of your questions on business. What the book is intended to do is give you a great overview of the process you will need to take in order to become a successful freelancer. Everyone’s journey into the industry is different and many people have different needs. This makes it hard to have a one-glove fit all approach.
Towards the end of the book ill list the best resources to land freelance clients and provide some more recommended reading for your journey.

A freelancer is a self employed, one-person business that works on a particular part or phase of a project. Freelancing can help you gain flexibility within your work life or blaze your own career path with no limits. Freelancers differ from employees because they are hired to get a task done. The client may issue the task and demand a standardised result but they usually have little control over how the freelancer chooses to work. This presents a wealth of lifestyle opportunities if you choose this way of working. As a freelancer you are your own boss. To be successful at this you must keep many plates spinning in the air like marketing, accounting, designing and project management. The lines between your personal life and business life will become blurred and it can be a big step for most people.

Working for yourself can offer you a great deal of freedom. But being your own boss can be a positive and a negative. It can be tough at times but ultimately working for yourself can be more rewarding than working for your boss, the feeling is priceless.

Free on 24th - 28th Apr 17
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