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Free on 16th - 21st Jul 24
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What if you found a magical new world filled with fairies and mystery? Would you go?
Annie and Stella are courageous, smart sisters who just can’t seem to stop arguing.
After all, Annie is the big sis, and Stella is a little wild child!
One day, while roaming their family lake house, they find a magic fairy house that they simply must explore.
Poof! Before they know it, they’re transported to a mystical fairy land!
Waiting for them is a beautiful, friendly fairy with wise secrets and amazing opportunities to experience new magical kingdoms.
What’s the catch?
Annie and Stella must learn to get along and embrace what makes each of them unique to overcome challenges and access the treasures of the fairy lands.
Working together is the only way they can make it through some difficult challenges.
They must learn to communicate, compromise, and appreciate each other’s strengths to become a powerful team and travel through the magical realms safely.
Each one of them is special in their own way?By embracing each other’s differences, they are stronger together!
Join Annie and Stella in their extraordinary adventure as they discover true magic?The incredible beauty of secret fantasy worlds and the wonderful gift of sisterly love.

Free on 16th - 21st Jul 24
View on Amazon.co.uk


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