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Free on 2nd - 6th Oct 23
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Do you bite and chew your own cheeks and lips?

If you are a cheek biter, a mouth chewer, or a lip destroyer, you probably already know who you are. Your problem is a compulsive desire to bite and chew, tearing up the skin on your lips and the inner cell lining of your mouth. Your tongue and teeth are restless and relentless to find and exploit rough patches, skin flaps and hanging pieces of tissue to bite at and break off. All this action is a vain attempt to eliminate the ragged edges and make them feel smooth.

What causes cheek biting?

There are many possible causes: bad dental work, stress and anxiety, a little ocd, worry or nervousness, chronic malnutrition, or simple bad habit that you want to cure, similar to biting on fingernails or smoking.

Why should you stop?

The main reasons you need to give up your cheek and lip biting habit are because you need to prevent the damage and avoid potential risks. Have you or will you experience: lesions, lumps, bumps, ulcers, trauma, pain, bleeding, infection, lines and wrinkles, bad breath or swelling? Do you know if your biting and chewing will lead to cancer of the mouth or cancer of the cheeks?

How this ebook will help you

Inside you will find a collection of strategies and solutions to empower you to eliminate this nasty habit including: redirection strategies, barriers to biting, distraction tactics, and product solutions.

Scroll on up and click the buy now button to find many ways to give up your addiction and give your cheeks and lips some relief!

Free on 2nd - 6th Oct 23
View on Amazon.co.uk


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