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Free on 14th - 15th Jun 15
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Stop kissing Butts: Quit Smoking Today & Forever! One Cigarette At A Time (How to Quit Smoking Book)

In our modern world much seems to be about following trends, keeping up with others and living our lives permanently stressed or at such a rapid pace that we forget about the bad habits and addictions that we tend to pick up along the way. Smoking is one of those bad habits and it is estimated that almost a quarter of adults currently smoke and many of them do it as a habit, not out of any enjoyment. Being a smoker is now frowned upon in society, our governments increase the taxes on tobacco products each year yet still we continue with this anti-social and health degrading habit because we do not fully understand how to quit smoking and stay away from tobacco addiction for life.

This book intends to help you achieve the goal of quitting smoking for good, meaning that your general health and personal finances improve, so let’s kick the tobacco addiction and become more accepted in the modern society we live in. No longer will you have to stand outside during parties or on a night out with friends to have a cigarette in the cold, your clothes and home will not smell of stale smoke and you will not be damaging the people around you with your second hand smoke. Nicotine is a powerful and highly addictive drug, hence the reason that many people fail to quit smoking for good. The damage it does to your body is vast and we will discuss this in this book more fully. Read on and find out how you can kick your tobacco addiction for good.

Free on 14th - 15th Jun 15
View on Amazon.co.uk


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