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Do you want to learn how to quit smoking and change your life forever?

“When I think about it .. honestly .. I must confess that I’m afraid. I’m afraid to die early and painfully. I’m afraid of having a heart attack. I fear having a stroke, but yet I can’t stop smoking.”

Smoking is not cool, smoking is not fun. We all know it. More than 16 million Americans are living with a disease caused by smoking and more than 480,000 people die per year because of smoking.

With 60 helpful hints and insightful inspirations, you’re sure to find the right combination of encouragement and information to motivate you in your fight against nicotine addiction.

This book covers day-to-day situations that you may encounter on your journey to a healthier lifestyle.

Smoking tobacco is nowhere near as popular as it once was. Back in the 19th century and early 20th century almost everyone smoked, but this gradually changed as medical research showed the damage we were doing to our bodies through the simple act of inhaling smoke. But many are still drawn to smoking for a variety of different reasons and it is sometimes only later in life that they may decide to quit.

60 powerful strategies to stop smoking now!

I do not promise you to reveal the “one top secret most successful method in the world”. In this book you will rather find 60 REAL strategies that actually WORKED for thousands of ex-smokers when they finally managed to quit their bad habit!

This may just be the most comprehensive ‘Stop Smoking’ guide ever.

In this new book you can address your smoking habit and find the strategies you need to help you quit, once and for all, including:

Personal Pointers: will prepare you for the physical and psychological effects of giving up smoking. Comrade Counsel: will illustrate ways that you can get your family and friends involved, so that you never feel alone in your fight for freedom from nicotine. Diet and Drinks: contains practical advice about food and beverages that can help you combat cravings and wipe out withdrawal symptoms. Medical Motivation: comprises information about nicotine replacement therapy and other medical facts relative to treatments that assist people who wish to quit smoking. Lifestyle Lessons: will inspire ideas of how you can cement your desire to stop smoking into a long lasting, cigarette-free lifestyle.With 60 well researched approaches to quitting smoking, this book will quite possibly be the only one you will ever need to help you towards a healthier lifestyle and a healthier bank balance too.

It isn’t an easy road, but with help from this book you will find yourself with a powerful ally in your fight to quit.

Your free bonus download that comes with the book

To make the process of quitting smoking a little bit easier I created the Quit Smoking Calendar. You can download the calendar as PDF and print it out to track your progress during the first crucial weeks. Take 1 minute every day to fill out the calendar and think about what you’ve achieved so far. You won’t believe how motivational this can be!

Download it now, begin your own journey to a better life – TODAY.

It’s never too late to quit smoking! Start right now and change your life FOREVER!

This book is available for free for kindle unlimited users

Free on 22nd Nov 17
View on Amazon.co.uk


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