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Free on 19th Dec 14
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Kids soccer games, deadlines, finances, health scares. These eventually add up and they can, and do manifest themselves in extreme stress imposed on the carrier. This extreme stress requires an outlet and pretty soon, you are exhibiting road rage in rush hour traffic, having fall outs with colleagues at work and and even wanting to strangle poor Mrs Johnson for her cat coming and doing its business in your rose garden again.

If any of these scenarios sound even vaguely familiar, chances are you are experiencing the stress of surviving in modern day life. But why just survive, why not live and better yet, why not stop and smell the roses? When last have you done that? When last have you run outside and played in the rain?

Take a deep breath and relax, help has finally arrived. Many people don’t even know that they are experiencing stress, some suspect it but deny it, or better yet, they ignore it, hoping that it will go away.

You can be the 4th category. The smart one, that embraces the possibility that you may or could at some stage in your life experience stress, accept it, learn about it and overcome stress.

Learn how you can:

– Determine whether or not you are suffering from stress

– What the cause of your stress is

– The best ways to overcome your stress

– The most decisive game plan to combating stress once and for all

Buy this book, read this book, apply this book and then go play in the rain and have fun.

Free on 19th Dec 14
View on Amazon.co.uk


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