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Super Mario Bros (Book 2): A Hilarious Super Mario Bros Adventure Story | Get It Now! (BONUS INSIDE)
Mario’s back for another adventure, although this time he’s not happy about it.
Bowser’s returned home to his fortress, only to discover that someone has barred the doors and is stopping them getting back in! He asks Princess Peach for help, who decides to send her bravest subject to throw the squatter out and help Bowser.
However, she also sends her loyal steward, Toadsworth. He’s small, bespectacled, and obsessed with good manners. Mario’s had worse sidekicks, but he’s really not sure about this one.
Mario has to give his worst enemy his own fortress back, while working with an ineffectual sidekick, and all for no reward. Will he manage to save the day, or will helping Bowser spell his own doom?
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Tags: Super Mario, Super Mario Bros, Super Mario Jokes, Nintendo, Luigi, Luigi Jokes, Super Mario Bros Books, Super Mario Bros Game, Wario, Nintendo Jokes, Donkey Kong, Pokemon, Pikachu, minecraft steve, jokes for kids, books for kids