This is an elite collections of important and intelligent quotations in English
through the centuries. It can be confi dently described as representing the highest
concentration of wisdom, wit & sensibility ever written or spoken in the
English language or tradition, ranging from the Venerable Bede and Chaucer to
Mark Twain, Einstein and Feynman.
It abounds in sparkling and memorable thoughts and expressions from Great Britain,
the United States, and the Commonwealth as well as from various other Englishspeaking
countries and peoples.
The quotations have been thoughtfully selected for their instructive and entertainment
value and as vehicles toward an all-round higher education and culture in both the
sciences and the humanities. Quotations from a number of fi elds, encompassing
history, politics, literature, economics and the physical and life sciences are included.
This book will allow the reader to consort with, and listen to the ‘voices’ of, some of
the most intelligent, amusing, well-spoken and even out-spoken people of the past
and the present.
James Boswell, the great Scots biographer of The Life of Samuel Johnson, is said to have
longed for the London coach that would take him to “the juiciness of the English
mind”. This publication will certainly take you to a much wider and longer domain
of intellectual and verbal excellence and juiciness.
It provides an adventure of ideas in the tradition of the British and, more generally,
the European Enlightenment, celebrating the western values of freedom, reason,
humaneness, tolerance and progress. It is addressed to all lovers of original thinking,
fascinating knowledge, ingenious conversation, and elegant language and style.
It constitutes a delightful way to enrich your general knowledge and to enhance your
intellectual, linguistic and conversational prowess.
It can also serve as an ideal aid and guide, for students of various disciplines and ages,
toward speaking more interestingly and even impressively and toward writing fi ner
and more well-argued essays.
A concise edition of this book is also available under the title Great Quotations in
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