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Superstition Mountains, a place of mystery, legends, lost gold mine, and death. Discover the Legend of Lost Dutchman’s Gold Mine, one of America most enduring mystery

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Discover one of the most intriguing legends in America in one hour or less!

There is a mountain range in the wilderness of Arizona that was the setting of native lore about the creation of the world, flood myths, and the origin of evil. All these stories center on the Superstition Mountains, which seem to have a strange hold over the psyches of those who live beneath their towering height.

Later, as the California Gold Rush spilled over into Arizona, the Superstitions attracted the attention of miners. Several mines existed in the general area, but the focal point of the legends was owned by the Peralta family. After they sold the land to a German immigrant named Jacob Waltz, he died suddenly–leaving behind cryptic clues about the greatest gold deposit in North America. Treasure hunting mania followed.

Are the legends true?

That is the question everyone always asks about any legend. That is the very nature of a passed-down story. We know, in this one, that there are at least grains of truth. We know of the Peralta family; they served as governors of the New Mexico region. We know that Jacob Waltz was a real person. We know that many of the deaths associated with the mine really happened. We know, from newspaper clippings and other verifiable sources, that some sort of legends about the mine existed from the earliest days after Waltz’s death.

This is a story where fact and fiction merge and mesh until sometimes it is nearly impossible to tell the difference. But that’s what makes for some of the greatest stories! This book is not meant as a field guide or an encouragement to go treasure hunting yourself. It’s a place to find some information about one of the greatest legends of the American southwest. It’s a book that simply scratches the surface of all there is to learn about this legend and this place. Perhaps it will encourage you to do more research on your own.

It will take you an hour or less to read this book! After your reading, you will:
oKnow about the Superstition Mountains and its mysterious history
oGet a concise history of America’s gold rush
oKnow the details of the legend of the lost Dutchman’s gold mine
oMeet the treasure hunters that roam the Superstition Mountains in search of the lost mine.
oDiscover the possible locations of the lost mine

To start reading now, scroll back up and click the BUY NOW button at the top right side of this page for an immediate download!

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Free on 12th - 14th Sep 24
View on Amazon.co.uk


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