
Free on 21st - 25th Feb 15
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How to Survive disasters in floods, hurricanes, earthquakes and tornadoes?

Today only, get this Amazon book for only $0.99 for a limited time. Regulary priced at $4.99. Read on your PC, Mac, smart phone, tablet or Kindle device.

You’re about to discover time-tested strategies on how to survive calamities with your family.

This eBook will discover on how to understand the meanings of a disaster. What is a disaster? You must have heard about it. Have you given it second thoughts? What will you do if a disaster strikes your area? Are you prepared enough to ensure survival of you and your family members? Most people remain oblivious of the most basic survival tips. Millions around the world suffer because lack of knowledge about survival skills. You can ensure a better outcome for you and your family.

While you cannot avoid disasters from happening, you can certainly prevent loss of life and property. This book offers everything from basic survival skills to ensuring property safety. First, you will get to know about the types of disasters. Were you aware that disasters can also be man-made? You will find the answer in the first chapter. Can you train people with disabilities to take care of their own during calamities? This may seem far-fetched but many have learned how to do exactly that. How? We will give you some workable tips on this issue.

You may have come across some run-of-the-mill tips on disaster survival. None takes the pains to list each and every possible calamity and then offer you plethora of tips to prevent damages. Most guidebooks simply list basic survival tips such as carrying enough water supply and food items. Do you know that not every food item is worth carrying during disasters? You could end up starved to death if you have made a poor choice of food supplies. How to seek higher ground while ensuring that you do not lose your way? We do not ask you to seek help from the North Star. The book offers a scientific approach to keep you on track during evacuation and never losing direction.

Take everything you’ve read up until now about disaster survival and replace it with scientific and practical knowledge listed in this book. This is not hearsay but proven guidelines that have been followed upon by thousands to survive the most harrowing disasters. Every detail is well sketched out and all possibilities have been mentioned in the book. All you need is to go through the contents and start your disaster preparedness plans.

What’s even better is that you will get post-disaster relief tips as well as golden tidbits on how to claim insurance for damages.

Here is a Preview of what you’ll learn

Understand different types of disasters

Differentiate between a weather watch and a weather warning

Learn how to prepare for natural and man-made disasters

Pack your 72 hour survival kit

How to take care of people with disabilities during a disaster

How to train your kids to survive a calamity

What are the essential first aid items for disaster survival?

How to safety-proof your house

Can you get disaster insurance?

Download your copy today and learn how to survive disasters!

Tags: Survival, Survival guide, Prepper Survival, Survival Skills, Survival Gear, Survival Backpack, survival books, prepper survival guide, Survival for Family, Bug out Bag

Free on 21st - 25th Feb 15
View on Amazon.co.uk


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