I’m not a celebrity or a model. I’m not rich or famous. I’m a hooker, a hustler and a junkie. It’s not like I chose this lifestyle but something inside of me took over my entire being. I wanted to party. I wanted to have fun. I wanted to fit in and most of all I wanted someone to love me. Little did I know, that what I left behind would be the one thing that I longed for the most.
Homeless and struggling on the streets of Los Angeles, I submitted to a lifestyle of addiction and crime. Would I ever find my way out out this self-produced nightmare??? Was I destined to live my life in hell??? Only time would tell………
Hungry for Life: A Memoir Unlocking the Truth Inside an Anorexic Mind
Whoopi: The Life And Legacy Of Whoopi Goldberg
Aisha (R.A.): Beyond Six
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