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Free on 28th - 29th Jan 18
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Learn to Swim Faster and Longer *PLUS* Life-Saving Water Rescue Skills!

9 FREE BONUSES FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY! Get your copy of Swim Workouts and Water Rescue Skills TODAY and you will receive:

* Access to all the latest Survival Fitness Plan Training Manuals FREE!

* A 10 week Swim Workouts Training Schedule to gradually build up your skills.

* 7 bonus chapters with information on:

The amazing Survival Fitness Plan Super Burpee. A warm-up, stretch, and conditioning workout all in one exercise.A 15-minute yoga stretch routine.How to protect yourself from environmental dangers. Don’t perish from cold and heat illnesses!Recognizing dangerous marine life and what to do if attacked.Making improvised rope out of plants and animals.How to tie all the knots mentioned in this manual. Also very useful in everyday life.A basic first aid guide so you can save lives in critical situations.

LOOK INSIDE Swim Workouts and Water Rescue Skills to see everything that’s included!

Part One: Efficient Swimming

Swimming lessons to swim faster and longer, including while swimming underwater.

The most efficient way to tread water. A MUST LEARN water survival skill!Swim faster using the same training drills that professional swimmers use.A step-by-step guide for learning the Combat Survival Stroke, as used by the US Navy Seals.The proper way to do the Survival Backstroke so you conserve energy and keep as much heat as possible.How to safely train yourself to swim long distance underwater up to 50 meters or more!

Get your copy of Swim Workouts and Water Rescue Skills TODAY to keep yourself and others alive in the water!

Part Two: Safety and Self Water-Rescue Skills

Being near any body of water has its inherent dangers, and open water has even more. This section has information on the different dangers in various forms of open water. It also explains what to do when faced with these dangers. It covers self water-rescue skills in solo and group scenarios.

The safest ways to enter the water depending on the situation.The two swimming styles to use to get out of dangerous waters, and when to use them.Recognising different types of waves, tides, and currents, and how to negotiate them.Learn the dangers of swift water, how to avoid them, and how to use them to your advantage!The different ways to cross water. Includes wading, rope crossings, improvised raft building, and more.How to survive in cold water, and how to escape ice water.The best actions to take during a flood so you don’t end up in the water to begin with.

Part Three: Water Rescue

This section covers essential water rescue skills of others in both pools and open water.

What to do when you see someone in trouble in the water.What to teach children so they can help save others while staying safe on dry land.How to scan and access any water-based situation the way professional lifeguards do. Learn to spot different types of casualties and make the best plan for rescue.The safest ways to rescue drowning victims. Includes how to protect yourself against them if they drag you down.White-water rescue skills so you can save others while minimising risk.

Get your copy of Swim Workouts Water Rescue Skills TODAY to keep yourself and others alive in the water!

Free on 28th - 29th Jan 18
View on Amazon.co.uk


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