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Free on 8th - 12th Jan 15
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Question: What do Napolean Hill, Wattles, Charles Haanel, Abraham Hicks, Bashar, Orin, Neville Goddard, Joe Vitale and so many of these New Thought experts have in common?

They Understood This One Principle of Manifestation…

They understood that the mind is the agent of all change. However, it turns out that they have been reinventing the wheel: Manifestation has been the talk of ancient religions such as early Christianity, Buddhism, Hermeticism, Hinduism, Islam, Taoism and countless others.

These masters, prophets and sages have all understood what True Nature was – just to varying degrees and different perspectives. There is only one cosmic Truth in the whole universe, of course they were talking about the same thing!

Nathan Miller spills the secrets in this book Systematic Manifestation, tells you what all the religions have been talking about for ages and how to tap into this hidden nature to change your fate. In a systematic approach, he gives a followable action plan that you can use whether you want to manifest friendships, relationships, sex, health, self-improvement or even spiritual development itself!

In fact, the instructions are so simple you can throw all those concepts of ESP, psychic phenomena, astral projection, remote viewing, Reiki, quantum physics and whatever out of the window. Though simple, it is certainly not easy! Warning: This method does require diligence.

Here are some things you will find in the book:

>> Why building your manifestation ability TAKES TIME and why there is no short-cut!

>> Discover the number one reason why two people with the same desires attain different results

>> The relationship between the conscious, subconscious and unconscious mind – and how they relate to manifestation!

>> How to avoid the success-draining misconceptions and mistakes about manifestation

>> The REAL missing secret to manifestation – it is not what you think it is

>> The biggest reason why there is so much resistance in whatever we try to manifest

>> Why the “Law of Attraction” is wrongly named – And what it actually is (along with mistaken stories!)

>> What divination is and the shocking revelation why fate really exists

>> Never make the same mistake of confusing the meaning of abundance!

>> Learn the techniques actual Monks and Tibetan lamas use to dive deep and awaken True Nature – unlocking your spiritual abilities of changing fate

>> A complete guidebook that teaches you what to expect in these techniques – including strange phenomena!

>> Manifestation still requires action – understand why it is still not the only missing link!

>> How to train your mind to become adapted to literally manifesting whatever thought that comes into your mind

>> A step-by-step action plan wrapping everything up so that you can advance!

It doesn’t matter if you are a beginner or an expert in the concepts behind manifestation – this radical view of manifestation supports what New Thought authors are saying but gives the real view of what it is.

Free on 8th - 12th Jan 15
View on Amazon.co.uk


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