
Free on 30th Dec 16
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Is procrastination stopping you from going after your real priorities, goals, and dreams? Is it keeping you from getting a promotion at work? Starting your own business? Telling someone you love them? Taking that next life-changing step?

Look no further. People like you who can’t seem to stop procrastinating need this book.”Tapping Out Procrastination” takes ancient and widely used acupressure points in the modern Western world’s tapping technique to address and release underlying feelings and emotions that keep you stuck and keep you procrastinating.

What if you could finally stop being afraid of going after you really want and stop sabotaging yourself through procrastination? Free yourself today from what’s been holding you back from where you want to be. Make the changes now.

You can do it. Tapping provides instant release for some people and some issues and others require multiple tapping sessions.

This book ties procrastination to each topic listed below and helps you release your negative emotions and replace them and reinforce them with positive and productive emotions. These bold and daring tapping scripts and accompanying information will help you transform the way you live and work.

The underlying procrastination issues addressed in this book are:

* Fear of Failure

* Fear of Success

* Fear of Change

* Overwhelm

* Deservedness

* Fear of Rejection

* Punishment

* Clarity/Focus

* Stick-To-It-Ness (or Persistence)

* Get It Done/Knock It Out of the Park

You can’t force your conscious mind to let go of the underlying feelings causing your procrastination, so use tapping to tap into your subconscious mind and help release them today.

Free on 30th Dec 16
View on Amazon.co.uk


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