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“You have people come into your life shockingly and surprisingly. You have losses that you never thought you’d experience. You have rejection and you have learn how to deal with that and how to get up the next day and go on with it.

Read more at.” -Taylor Swift

Taylor Swift is setting new records and hitting new goals everyday, form new hit singles to the Grammy. This eBook has the potential to be updated and extended. Find out how you can play a role in that process by reading the instructions at the bottom of this description.

Ever want all of Taylor Swifts life history in one place at one time? In this eBook we take a complete look into Taylor Swifts life. From when she was a toddler all the way to becoming one of the most influential women in America, and with her new album 1989.

Its a great compilation of Taylor Swifts life, with pictures from when she was a toddler until she blossoms into a beautiful strong woman. This book is highly recommended for Taylor Swifts fans, and even those who really don’t know her.

You will find value in this book, whether you are wanting to add this to your T.S. collection. Or even if you just want reference points on this talented artist. We even take a look into the future with Taylor’s upcoming tour. As she continues her journey as a successful artist.

As an influential artist in today’s society, it is important to know where she came from. What kind of values she holds, and where she got those values. Going through the pages you see her grow into this amazing woman, that influences so many people in a positive way.

Taylor Swift was very talented ever since she was a toddler. Her beginnings were not so humble with three generations of bank presidents. Today she is a very humble artist, with a big heart. Even inviting fans over to her house for secret sessions, and sending her fans gifts for Christmas.

All her albums are covered in this eBook from her first hit, Time McGraw, up until now with her new album 1989. This is by far the best Taylor swift biography! Enjoy!

Anonymous reader,

“Reading through the content of this book I did not get the feeling of reading a novel. Just as the author points out in the description this eBook has a timeline setup. It goes in order, and it is full of content that can be read for pleasure, or even as a reference point. Taylor Swift has a huge influence on our culture today, books like these are necessary to really capture the upbringing, and rise to success T.S. obtained. I would recommend this eBook to anyone, even people who don’t care for Taylor Swift, they will see how amazing she truly is!”

Instructions: By leaving a review and sending a tweet too @Lacysmith1995 using #TaylorSwifteBook, telling us why we should extend the eBook and telling us what you would like added . This eBook has the potential to be extended and updated with current events. Which would give you a Biography that is constantly moving forward in history. So your new eBook virtually has an increase in value after you buy it at your command, with the power of Twitter!

Free on 26th Nov 17
View on Amazon.co.uk


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