
Free on 14th - 18th Dec 16
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This ebook contains the implementation of 26 simple, practical and commercial programming projects in Microsoft VB.

For Microsoft VB educators, Microsoft VB beginner developers, and high school and college students,
For Teaching & Learning

The following topics have been discussed in each project :

1- Tutorial concepts of algorithms and Microsoft Visual Basic programming language
2- A guide summary of the design, implementation and execution of the project
3- Project development proposals and ideas
4- Project GUI
5- Project source code ( Project files are available at Https://sites.google.com/site/itbooklets/VB
List of the discussed visual basic projects in the book :
Project 1: The energy consumption cost calculation based on the stepped consumption pattern
Project 2: E-shopping and total price calculation
Project 3: Electronic test and test score calculation
Project 4: User authentication in security system with restricted number of login attempts
Project 5: User authentication in security system with restricted login date and time
Project 6: User authentication in security system with login time limit
Project 7: E-form with input data verification (E-form field validation)
Project 8: Math and trigonometric function calculator program
Project 9: A program to display the exact age in years, months, weeks, days, hours, minutes, and seconds with real-time updates
Project 10: Time/cost management of computer users in internet cafes
Project 11: Consecutive number serie-generator with a file output
Project 12: Step by step Installation wizard of a software
Project 13: Slideshow of images saved in gallery
Project 14: An application to manage temporary memory data of Operating System (OS Clipboard Operations)
Project 15: Ticket reservation application
Project 16: Operation execution program with keyboard and mouse buttons
Project 17: A program to sort 100-meter-race record times
Project 18: The computer terminology dictionary aplication implemented by Linear and Binary Search methods
Project 19: The application of color composition and selection in RGB color systems (same as Adobe Photoshop color palette)
Project 20: The File Management application
Project 21: A program to solve and implement sample problem using object-oriented programming method
Project 22: Text Editor
Project 23: Microsoft Word text file grammar and spell checker application
Project 24: The application for opening and closing the CD-Drive and DVD-Drive
Project 25: The multimedia player
Project 26: The management application of running processes in the operating system

Free on 14th - 18th Dec 16
View on Amazon.co.uk


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