Teddy & Cowgirl Bundle is a combined rare children’s book consisting of “Teddy the Talking Cat” and “Cowgirl the Smiling Doggie”. Cowgirl and Teddy are close friends and are together here for the first time in this new combined book. Children will laugh hysterically and smile at the antics of Teddy and Cowgirl as they just plain old have fun in life. They love their families and will teach children about some of the care it takes to raise a pet. There is never a single bad day in the lives of Teddy and Cowgirl! Adults can’t help but laugh and smile as well at these little animals as they travel through life. If you want a good dose of happiness, sit down and read about these special little animals. They will make your day and the day of your children. There is a whole lot of smiling and talking going on here! There are many who can not afford this book, however for those who do buy, they will be more than glad to see the smiles that flow from the faces of those they love after reading it to them.
Libros Infantiles Fábulas del Bosque Mágico. Cuentos educativos para niños de 3 a 5 años. Letra gran...
Magical Bedtime Stories: 12 Inspiring Fairy Tales for Kids 4-8
Happiness Inside Me: A Children's Book About Kindness
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